Shop Our Categories Search site Shop Manuals Recommended Sets by Vehicle By Common Name By Manufacturer Original Manuals Reference Series Amphibious Armor Aviation Jeeps Motorcycles Trucks Other Vehicles Add-ons and Accessories Engines Artillery Small Arms & Machine Guns Field Manuals Markings Guides Radio & Install Civilian Shop Manuals Field Generator Electrical Engineering Shop Books Jeeps Military History Uniform Reference Motorcycles Amphibious Armor Hi-Speed Tractors Land Rover Trucks American Firepower Series Watch Parts & Merchandise Studebaker Parts Submit Search Vehicle Information Nav Menu 3 Nav Menu 4 Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 > Shop Books > Jeeps > Military > Military Jeep 1940 Onwards (Ford, Willys and Hotchkiss) by Pat Ware/Haynes Price: $29.99 Stock Status:(Out of Stock) Product Code: 345-9335 Qty: Description This book is described as an "Enthusiasts' Manual" and that is exactly what it is. Combining a brief history with sections on operation, restoration, markings and more, this book covers a lot of territory. There are more comprehensive titles on most of these sections, but Pat Ware has done a nice job of compiling the essential information in once place.This is a "cliff notes" book on the WWII Jeep and will get you off to a great start. Note, although the publisher is known for producing shop manuals, this is NOT A SHOP MANUAL!Format: Hardcover, 160 pages Related Items U.S. Military Wheeled Vehicles by Fred W. Crismon Unpacking Instructions for "Jeep in a Crate" QUARTER TON by Pat Ware WW2 US Army Driver License Price: $79.00 Price: $4.00 Price: $45.00 Price: $2.00 Jeeps Over the Pacific by Yasuo Ohtsuka Pre-Standardized Jeep by David Doyle The Standardised War-Time Jeep 2 1941-1945 by John Farley Jeep Goes to War (1st Edition) by Will Fowler Price: $59.00 Price: $19.99 Price: $57.99 Price: $79.99