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ORD 789 G154/179 Weasel Illustrated Parts Manual (Studebaker T24, M28, M29)
ORD 789 G154/179 Weasel Illustrated Parts Manual (Studebaker T24, M28, M29)
Price: $45.00

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1944 Edition of ORD 789 G154/179 covering T-24, M28 and M29 Weasel. (G154/G179).

This is a high quality, professionally printed and bound reproduction of the June 1944 Edition of ORD 789 G154/179. This is the Army's illustrated parts manual (and parts listings) for the M28, M29 and M29C Weasel (includes T15 & T24). Excellent pictures and diagrams.

This manual uses state-of-the-art binding technology that promises to be much more durable than the traditional "perfect" binding used on most softbound books.

Format: Softcover, 380 pages